Let’s Try “I’m Sorry AND…”

I’m sorry. Every conversation implies an apology. It’s a tender time. The grief is so wide. The love is so wide.
YOUR world isn’t THE world. This is a note to myself. Hold the grief of another’s with the grief of your own. Try to show that grief. Try to show that empathy, and don’t wait to show empathy until someone begs for it. That’s how we got here.
Black Lives Matter protests must happen. Difficult conversations must happen. I am willing to have my heart trampled on for the sake of collective love. I’m sorry for so many things. We all are.
My friends, sticks and stones and words can hurt. While crying from our keyboards, let’s try “I’m sorry AND …” The “I’m sorry but…” doesn’t seem to be working. Empathy fatigue is real. If we can communicate from a place of love, then maybe words will save us all.
What conversations are you having and how are you navigating them? Comment below. Wishing you peace.